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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Roses For Valentines Day

Roses For Valentines Day

Roses for Valentines Day, it has been traditionally accepted that roses are the flowers of choice for Saint Valentine’s Day and this tradition is as good as carved in stone. But since this holiday has been expended beyond the realm of romantic love, roses may be sent or presented on Valentine’s Day to friends and family as well. However, be aware that roses of different colors have been ascribed with very different meanings and one must be careful not to convey the wrong message. In other words, know your roses and know what color roses to send to whom in order to communicate which message.

RED roses broadcast a powerful “I love you” thus they are the indisputable signs of romantic love and ever lasting passion.

PALE PINK roses imply gentleness, grace and appreciation and are the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for a beloved mother, sister or a dear friend.

LIGHT PINK roses communicate good times, fun and happiness and are a good Valentine’s Day gift for someone you are dating but have not yet fallen in love with.

DEEP PINK roses convey “Thank you” and are appropriate Valentine’s Day gifts to someone who has done you a big favor or who has greatly helped you when you were most in need.

LILAC roses proclaim a love at first sight. Please refrain from presenting or sending these roses to someone who has not completely enthralled you.

WHITE roses stand for purity, truth and innocence and are suitable Valentine’s Day gifts for a young bride or a young virtuous maiden.

CORAL roses shout hot passionate desire. Be discriminatory when presenting them to someone that will appreciate the gesture rather than be offended.

PEACH roses suggest a display of appreciation and gratitude but they mostly convey sympathy. These are wonderful Valentine’s Day gifts for someone that is close to you and who is also lamenting the lost of a loved one.

ORANGE roses proclaim enthusiasm and excitement. Be selective when presenting these roses on Valentine’s Day and be sure that your message is clearly understood.

YELLOW roses are signs of friendship and freedom. If you are intending romantic love, do not send yellow roses on Valentine’s Day. These are, however, great Valentine’s Day gifts for newlywed friends or relatives as well as new mothers who are friends or relatives.

DEAD roses are dried roses of any color and they announce loudly and clearly that the relationship is “dead and over.” Do not send or present these to someone with whom you are determined to spend the rest of your life with.

Combining WHITE and YELLOW roses is a known symbol of harmony and this combination would make a very nice Valentine’s Day gift for a decent business partner or a good neighbor.

Mixing RED and YELLOW roses convey joy and happiness as well as celebration and are great Valentine’s Day gift for a close platonic friendship.

Mingling RED and WHITE roses designates bonding and harmony and is a very good Valentine’s Day gift for a close non-romantic relationship between friends, colleagues or partners.

A single RED rose says “I love you” but I cannot afford to spend or will not spend the money for a whole bouquet.

A single rose of any color other than red says “Thank you” without going into debt.

Two roses (any color but preferably red) that are interlaced hint at an upcoming proposal of an engagement or a marriage.

Be careful of the thorns and have a blessed Saint Valentine’s Day!

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